Wednesday, November 27, 2019

An Everyday Hero Springboard Essay Example

An Everyday Hero Springboard Essay Example An Everyday Hero Springboard Paper An Everyday Hero Springboard Paper An Everyday Hero By 10/11/2012 Everybody has an everyday hero. An everyday hero, though who they are and why they are our hero may be different from the person next to us, have at least one thing in common, they make a difference in our daily lives. Everyday heroes can be intelligent, brave, kind, loving, or anything else that you may consider as a heroic trait. For me personally, I consider my mom to be an everyday hero in my life. One of the heroic traits I see in my mom is that she is always there for me no matter what. She is the one who comes to my mind when days are filled with dread and then, my days become bright once again. If I am going through a rough patch in life she is there, standing by my side ready to do whatever she can to make that patch of my life great once more, if not better than it was before. When I fall she is there, right next to me, ready to help me up any time that I need. Another trait my mom has that makes her an everyday hero in my life, is that she always has time to lend a listening ear and comfort those around her. No matter how petty something bugging me may be, she will sit there right beside me until I have finished speaking out. She then hugs me close and manages to find the perfect thing to say. She does this time and time again always ready to lend yet another listening ear and a flow of comforting words. Everyday it comforts me knowing that once I get home all my worries or complaints will look trivial after spending a few seconds with her. This trait, is the last in the order of writing, but not in importance, for that is a fact that I will not counteract. The trait my mom possesses that I find to be her best, is the fact that she always has had the unconditional love that I think all heroes must possess. No matter whats done, said or expressed she will be there with a love that always forgives, and never ades away. The only way her love ever changes is the fact that it grows stronger everyday. I can only hope that one day I may acquire that heroic trait, and that it has the same abundance in me as it is does in my mom. This written exposition has come to an end, and without a doubt, I can confidently state, that my mom is an extraordinary everyday hero and is one of a ki nd. I perceive her as a kind, loving, understanding, caring, gentle soul. She is the person who always saves my day, she is my hero, and I will love and admire her always.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Eva Luna by Isabel Allende essays

Eva Luna by Isabel Allende essays Novel: Eva Luna by Isabel Allende; 307 pp; Cost: $7.99 Eva Luna is based on the life of the protagonist of the novel, Eva Luna. The story begins with the tale of how Eva Luna was concieved by her mother trying to save the life of a snake bitten indian. It takes place in an unnamed South American country because the characters speak Spanish. Eva's mother dies when she is only 7 years old and is forced to work as a servant in different houses. One thing she inheirited from her mother was the gift of story telling. Wherever she would go everyone loved to hear her improvised stories. At the age of 17 she worked in the house of a Turkish immigrant named Riad Halabi whom she falls in love with but he is twice her age. She is then forced to move to the city were she is reunited with her transexual friend, Mimi. At first Eva works at a military warehouse but Mimi insists that Eva make a living from her stories. After an attempted suduction by one of the military generals, Eva decides to quit her job at the warehouse and write stories for a living. Her and Mimi live successful lives without the help of men. Mimi is a well known soap opera actress and Eva writes the plots for them. Along with the story of Eva Luna is the story of the European immigrant Rolf Carle. He comes from a broken family and migrates to the South American country and lives with his aunt and uncle in the countryside. As he gets older he decides he wants to become a journalist and soon enough he is known as one of the most prominant journalists in the country. Rolf and Eva meet and thier separate stories become one. The important theme in this book is feminism. None of the females in this story are dependent on any man and they all seem fine without them. Some men are mentioned and come and go but the women still move on without them and live thier lives. The only sign of dependency is Zulema. Zulema becomes dependent on a man she falls in lov...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Literature Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Literature - Term Paper Example English is all pervasive as 'the de facto language or the lingua franca today' . The huge amount of production of books and magazines from both english speaking countries and elsewhere in English, with the local-language coming a close second in terms of production makes English a sort of lingua-franca today. So not only has English cornered the English Language world, but we see the impact of English in the world of TV, cinema, music, comics and TV also in the non English speaking world. From time immemorial the concept of one lingua franca, uniting people has been around. Literature has had works abounding in Latin for centuries. And the sheer amount of works in Latin indicate that mankind has for long felt the need for a common language for communication , be what so ever one's own mother tongue. Almost 50% of the world's student population choose English as their choosen language of study today because they feel that this would be the most useful for them in business and commerce. EFL, is the study of English as a Foreign language, and EFL as a foreign language is part of the school curriculum in countries where English has no special status. The EFL Journal in China and in Iran are example of English language learning in countries where English is a foreign language. But in former British colonies English is an official language even if not spoken as a mother tongue. The teaching of English is as a second language referred to in the terminology "TESL" or rather more generally as 'ESL'in countries such as US, Canada and Australia. In UK, Ireland and New Zealand, this very term ESL has been replaced by the term ESOL. Whatever might be the term ESL or ESOL or ESD(English as a secondary dialect) used in various countries , English is taught primarily for a person to hold down a job and to perform the daily necessities of life. But students learning EFL in HongKong will learn most likely the 'British English' and the students in Philipines will learn the 'American English' version. For this reason the emphasis is now on EIL (English as an International Language) also known as ELF(English as the lingua franca). There are communities of English speakers in countries all over the world where english is spoken , but with noticeable differences in pronounciations, vocabulary and grammar in different countries. The term sociolinguistic is the study of the effects of society, cultures, norms and expectation on language useage. Ethnicity, religion, gender, level of education, a person's age makes the speaking and writing of language different from place to place depending on the social class which uses it and it is this sociolects that sociolinguists study( lect being language or dialect). As always, there has been a distinction which exists in the English language between the high and elevated literary language and the colloquial language. After the defeat of England by the Normans , Latin and French replaced English as the official and literay language and the English we know today emerged only after the Middle Ages . It is no longer possible to differentiate between english in the literary sense and english as a colloquial language today. English has been used as a literary language of expression since time memorial in many

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Turbo Charger Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Turbo Charger Company - Essay Example The four P’s of Marketing: Product: The products that the companies offer are often the heart of any companies marketing strategy. Since the banks are a part of the service industry therefore many a times the results or the benefits of the product are not that conspicuous to the customer. The marketing strategy will fail badly if the product part is not good, no matter how strong the other 3 P’s of marketing are. HSBC offers many products and services but the one thing that makes it stand out from the other banks is its current account feature. This will be used in this assignment to highlight HSBC’s marketing mix. According to HSBC (2012) sources the current account has many features one of them which is the prepaid cards. There are two types of these cards: the financial manager and the budget manager. The financial manager is targeted towards customers who are financially stronger while the budget manager is for customers with relatively lower incomes who find trouble in maintaining a regular credit card like students. Apart from this the current account also has the feature of online banking which makes it possible to make transactions on the move. It also has the option of real time balance alerts. It has an additional option of savings for customers who deposit more than a specified amount monthly into the account. Price: The price is important for the bank it has a dual function. The first is that the price must be good enough that it attracts the customers and the second is that this price must be good enough to generate the required revenue for the bank. A number of factors influence the pricing decision some of which are the maximization of profit, increase in the market share, corporate social responsibility and survival in the market. The trend in the pricing of current accounts has not changed much for quite some time now. There is usually no set up fees and the benefit is sought from the cash that is deposited in the banks. In crease in the interest rate would not help much in increasing the number of existing customers. The credit cards give an incentive to the customer to save more. The saved money is within the customer’s account which the bank can always lend further. This strategy is especially useful in situations when it is hard to raise new capital. Place: Place in terms of the marketing mix means that the product is available to the customer through a proper channel which include delivery as well. Delivery does not only mean the physicality but also the availability of the service through electronic means. Even if the product is of very high quality and very highly rated, the readiness of the availability will highly affect the customers’ opinion whether the product is a failure or a success. The current account scheme is available at the majority of HSBC centers. Promotion: Promotion heavily depends upon the methods of communication used to create awareness among the customers and potential customers regarding a particular product or service. The major objectives of promotion are to get customer attention, give them the relevant information and encourage the customer to buy the product. According to Adrian Palmer (2008) Advertisement on the other hand first of all mean that it entails costs and is paid, it cultivates the attitude of the customer into believing something which in return forces the customer to some extent to buy the product or the service. There

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Baudrillards ideas on the film The Matrix Essay Example for Free

Baudrillards ideas on the film The Matrix Essay It has long been a condition of western culture to act for the accumulation of material objects. This is in part due to the capitalist nature of the world within which we live. Marx identifies in The Critique of Capitalism the emergence of two new classes of people, namely capitalists and labourers. The term capitalist describes any person who has personal ownership of capital, which consists of raw materials, instruments of labour and means of subsistence (Marx). In contrast a labourer has only the value of his labour (life activity), which he exchanges with the capitalist for a wage and as such the worker sinks to the level of commodity (Marx). Because the labourer produces for the capitalist a commodity of greater value than that of his wages and in addition those wages are paid back to the capitalist in return for subsistence, therefore social control in exerted over the working class, whilst providing the capitalist with excess commodity. The labourer consentingly becomes a slave to the system on which he depends. In addition Marx states that as the relation between capitalist and labourer (manufacturer and consumer) develops, so competition between rival capitalists becomes apparent. In effect the capitalist is forced to capture more of the market by selling goods more cheaply by the consolidation and exploitation of labour power e. g. by machinery. Such a strategy ultimately limits the demand for labour and so new industries must be developed for exploitation. These new industries are necessary because capital exists only in relation to its ability to command labour and social control and as such they reciprocally condition the existence of each other (Marx). These forced increases in demand and therefore production are evident in the contemporary world market. Important to the development of Capitalism is the use of money which abstracts labour and commodity values to a common unit for the purpose of trade. In effect the labourer discovers that the product of his activity is not the object of his activity (Marx) thus a level of abstraction occurs, which was consistent with the modernist values of the time. Karl Marx and early capitalism were mainly concerned with production which remains important but it was Situationist, Guy Debord, who gave the first insights into late capitalism and the theories that best apply to todays world economics and culture of commodities. Debord, in his book The Society of the Spectacle, bases his examination of commodities around consumption, media, information and technology. As such Debord suggests that in societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation. By this he means to describe the world and its products as mere appearances, where the real meanings and values of commodities are translated into signs. Essentially it is a world vision that has been objectified (Debord). Debord explains the phenomenon of the spectacle as resulting from the ever increasing production of capitalism. Because competition between capitalists inevitably leads to an excess of produce, so consumer demand must be increased. Such an increase is controllable by the spectacle as the real consumer becomes a consumer of illusions, (Debord) so he can be manipulated to believe he must consume beyond the basic necessity for survival e. g. leisure products. Therefore the spectacles form and content are identically the total justification of the existing systems conditions and goals (Debord). The spectacle is mediated in society as information or propaganda, as advertisement or direct entertainment consumption, (Debord). The effects of the mediated spectacle tend to lead the consumer to an experience of alienation as the consumers want for commodities is dictated to serve and maintain capitalism. In addition the spectacle constantly reinforces itself, for example the television, which is in itself a product of the spectacle that is then used by the capitalist to implement the advertisement of other spectacles. Essentially the spectacle is the nightmare of imprisoned modern society (Debord) and explains the transition from the degradation of being into having to having into appearing (Debord). Jean Baudrillard took Marxs Critique of Capitalism and Debords The Society of the Spectacle to their conclusions with his own theory of simulation and simulacra. Similar to the idea of the spectacle, Baudrillard describes a world where the subject of everything has been replaced by a semiological value that has become more important than the original, real meaning of the object. This object he calls a simulacra. In Simulacra and Simulation Baudrillard adds extra complexity to these ideas by establishing a hierarchy of simulation, which he gives four orders. In the first order the object is a copy of an original and so can be linked to a basic reality, for example a photograph of an actual event. The second order of simulation misrepresents the original subject; in the example the photography has been digitally manipulated in Photoshop to present a non-occurrence. In the third order a reality is recreated from a simulation of an original reality, when in fact, through the process of simulacra, the original has been lost, e. g. a scene is recreated from the digitally manipulated photograph of the original event. Finally, the forth order of simulation is the combined process of the first, second and third order to such an extent that the object bears no relation to reality or the original, for example the photograph has become a virtual reality. In this instance the link between reality and the signifying systems is almost impossible to ascertain, thus creating a hyper-reality. It is the use of one simulacra as a basis for the formation of another simulacra that shows the first signs of relevance to post modernity. Consequently, in post modernism, everything is understood in relation to everything that has come before, which in design manifests itself in referencing. Post modernism is also concerned with the fact that there is no right or wrong and essentially that no real truth exists. It is of course possible for a sign to make a transition through all four of the orders of simulation, constantly abstracting meaning and widening the gap between simulation and reality. However due to the complexity of repeated abstraction and signification it becomes necessary for an amount of speculation and simplification to occur when examining transitional examples. If we take, for example, the now famous emblem of automotive company Rolls Royce, it becomes apparent the extent to which a symbolic object can be re-simulated, each time loosing a part of its original meaning. Spirit of Ecstasy, designed by sculptor Charles Sykes and mass produced in 1911, is a cast metal emblem representing the figurine of a girl with arms outstretched to hold the folds of her gown blowing in the breeze. To the present day this emblem has been displayed on the bonnets of Rolls Royce cars and is the first order of simulation in terms of it being a representation of a real person from which the sculpture has been modelled. The object also references the figure heads of classic sailing ships in an attempt to convey the automotive product as an elegant, quite and reliable vehicle, which were the mediated associations with the brand during the early development of the company. In this instance the object enters the third order of simulation as a real event (model posing for sculptor) is created from an existing symbolic object (sailing boat figure heads) in order to be recreated as a new symbolic object (Spirit of Ecstasy emblem). At this point it is important to note that this example as an investigation could examine many more stages of referencing prior to the signs use as figure heads, though this could prove too difficult and inaccurate, again reinforcing the existence of a hyper-reality. The tea pot, designed by Michael Graves in 1985 for Alessi, brings the symbol to its conclusion. The tea pot employs a plastic emblem of a bird that is attached to the spout of the kettle and creates a whistling noise when the water is boiled. This creates a pun between the whistling of a kettle and the singing of bird but more importantly, its similar visual appearance (i. e. the wings of the bird and the outstretched arms and gown of the girl) makes a reference of Rolls Royce cars. Because during the late 20th century the values associated with Rolls Royce have matured to convey the brand as one of top class and status, so it are these value that are associated with Graves tea pot, supposed to the original associations that Rolls Royce was referencing from classic sailing ships. Therefore the product has clearly entered the forth order of simulation is it holds no relation to the original meaning that the original object as sign attempted to represent. Also, by referencing past signs, it can be described as a post modern object. Like Debord, Baudrillard agreed that simulation was important to the survival of capitalism as it, through mediation, can control the level of consumption within society. Baudrillard used the term valorisation to describe the process through which symbolic objects attain value. An excellent example of valorisation is Pokemon cards, which are essentially printed illustrations on card and so their use value is very low. However, via mediation, Pokemon cards have been given a simulated symbolic value that has made them desirable and powerful as a commodity. As well as design, Baudrillards theory of simulation and simulacra has also proved influential in film making, for example in The Matrix, directed by the Wachowski brothers. The Matrix is set in the future at a time when the real world has been reduced to a desert waste land by a war between humanity and machines; after the invention of artificial intelligence. Because the machines are dependant on solar power, the humans have caused the equivalent of a nuclear winter by blocking out sunlight. This has caused the machines to retaliate by imprisoning humans in gel filled pods so that energy can be extracted from them in the form of heat. In order to control the humans in this procedure a computer simulated world called the matrix exists, that all of the imprisoned humans are connected to, living their lives in what they believe is the late 20th century, oblivious to the fact that their real bodies are in stasis in the real world. The film therefore acts as a metaphor for contemporary western cultures. Firstly the matrix is an existence of the fourth order of simulation in that it is a system of mere signs that are completely detached from reality, i. e. hyper-reality. Just as in contemporary cultures, the people who live in the matrix are unaware that they are controlled by a system through simulation. You are a slave, neo, like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch, a prison for your mind What is the matrix? Control. The matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this (he holds up a copper battery) (Morpheus talking to Neo, The Matrix). In addition the film suggests that the prisoners of the Matrix are also dependant upon it, to the extent that they will fight to protect it. Baudrillards idea of mediasation appears in the film when it is suggested that there was a machine spawning a whole race of machines (Morpheus talking to Neo, The Matrix), thus the social control of the machines (mediation of signs) increasingly exert themselves with every new generation. Interestingly The Matrix seems to offer a solution to simulation and social control by the system, which is one of enlightenment. Once Neo understands the systems and can see the signs (computer code) of the matrix for what they really are, then he can choose to follow a different set of rules thus gaining control of his environment. As well as a theological basis on Baudrillard, The Matrix tends to convey the story via symbolic references and thus is post modern by nature. For example the follow the white rabbit scene employs a tattoo of a white rabbit, which is referenced from Alice in Wonderland in order to convey the uncertainty in discovering the truth of an alternate reality. In the same scene Neo also opens a copy Baudrillards Simulacra and Simulation in effect reinforcing links to that element of the film. In conclusion, I have identified the main themes surrounding Baudrillards orders of simulacra and simulation, shown how they relate to modern and post modern design and have given contemporary examples of their use in product design and film making. I believe that such an understanding of simulation has served well to better understanding referencing in post modernity. References Debord, G., (1977) The Society of the Spectacle, Black Red Poster, M., (1998) Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings, Polity Press Tucker, R. C., (1978) The Marx Engels Reader Second Edition, Norton Company Bibliography Hebdige, D., (1994) Hiding in the Light, Routledge

Friday, November 15, 2019

Controversial Minority Representation in the Film, Birth Of a Nation Es

Controversial Minority Representation in the Film, Birth Of a Nation       Birth of a Nation was a film that broke several artistic boundaries in the film industry yet was seen as the most racist film of any generation. This has caused it to be a film under heavy debate since its release in 1915. One can never look past the racist depictions that this film portrays in it. However, to truly understand the film and explore its importance in the study of minorities in film, one must look at this film from all perspectives. D.W. Griffith grew up in Kentucky under a father who was a Confederate hero and was the first to place the racial views in his head. Here is where the ideals of blacks and whites were created for D.W. Griffith. In his head and in his upbringing, his views of blacks and whites were real. The black race being lower then the whites and never really deserving of equality. That is where the ideal for his film Birth of a Nation originated. As far as he was concerned this was a heroic epic of the white people. This is the first context in which one must explore this film. The second is what was going on in America during the time of this films release. No more then fifty years after the Civil War, this film was made. African-Americans were nowhere near finding equality or having civil rights that they were said to have or presumed to have. Separate but equal was still the main mindset in America. Most of the South still hated African Americans, lynched them, and the KKK was strong. When you look at all these social contexts that were going on during the time of the films release, there is no way that this film was seen as racist in the majority of the population. Most of the South probably saw this mov... ... If it is possible to find one positive racial image, then I am blind. Through its remarkable breakthroughs in film and what the camera could do, Birth of a Nation can be explored as a film that set the standards for future film development and masterpieces. However, one can never look past the way that African-Americans were horribly represented and depicted on film. This has caused this film to be such a great film to explore when studying film and especial minorities in film. This debate will continue way past my life and beyond. One must hope and believe that the ignorance of the few that still see this as a positive image of reality can be overturned and that this film can only be seen as a studying device for all those that look to explore the art of film and the sad realities that can come from the ideals of those who create film and movies.    Controversial Minority Representation in the Film, Birth Of a Nation Es Controversial Minority Representation in the Film, Birth Of a Nation       Birth of a Nation was a film that broke several artistic boundaries in the film industry yet was seen as the most racist film of any generation. This has caused it to be a film under heavy debate since its release in 1915. One can never look past the racist depictions that this film portrays in it. However, to truly understand the film and explore its importance in the study of minorities in film, one must look at this film from all perspectives. D.W. Griffith grew up in Kentucky under a father who was a Confederate hero and was the first to place the racial views in his head. Here is where the ideals of blacks and whites were created for D.W. Griffith. In his head and in his upbringing, his views of blacks and whites were real. The black race being lower then the whites and never really deserving of equality. That is where the ideal for his film Birth of a Nation originated. As far as he was concerned this was a heroic epic of the white people. This is the first context in which one must explore this film. The second is what was going on in America during the time of this films release. No more then fifty years after the Civil War, this film was made. African-Americans were nowhere near finding equality or having civil rights that they were said to have or presumed to have. Separate but equal was still the main mindset in America. Most of the South still hated African Americans, lynched them, and the KKK was strong. When you look at all these social contexts that were going on during the time of the films release, there is no way that this film was seen as racist in the majority of the population. Most of the South probably saw this mov... ... If it is possible to find one positive racial image, then I am blind. Through its remarkable breakthroughs in film and what the camera could do, Birth of a Nation can be explored as a film that set the standards for future film development and masterpieces. However, one can never look past the way that African-Americans were horribly represented and depicted on film. This has caused this film to be such a great film to explore when studying film and especial minorities in film. This debate will continue way past my life and beyond. One must hope and believe that the ignorance of the few that still see this as a positive image of reality can be overturned and that this film can only be seen as a studying device for all those that look to explore the art of film and the sad realities that can come from the ideals of those who create film and movies.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How do Bennett and Chaucer present women in ‘The Outside Dog’ in ‘Talking Heads 2’?

The main female characters in these two texts are Alison in ‘The Miller's Tale' and Marjory in ‘The Outside Dog. ‘ However, it may also be possible to consider the prominent feminine qualities in Absolon, and also Tina, the dog in the Talking Heads 2' monologue. It can also be said that Stuart's victims are presumably female. Alison, in ‘The Miller's Tale' is largely presented as the stereotypical young wife, which follows the genre of the tale itself. The Miller says, ‘fair was this yonge wyf,' so the reader immediately sees her as the attractive and beautiful stereotype, which is intensified by the fact that the Miller does not give her a name until line 258, effectively objectifying her as a character, giving her no individuality. Also, the repetition of this title reduces her own personality and makes her seem almost like the property of her husband. Alison's two-dimensional image is furthered by Chaucer's frequent references to colour, in this case, black and white. The colours usually describe what she is wearing, for example, ‘a bamcloth eek as whit as morne milk' and ‘of col-black silk. ‘ Chaucer sees Alison, and possible women in general, as a contrast of black and white; the white of her apron is contrasted to the black of her hair and eyebrows. White is traditionally seen as a pure colour and black's a dark, mysterious colour. This shows that on the surface Alison may be beautiful, but she is not so pure and loyal to her husband at the end on the tale. Chaucer may be generalising this to all women, suggesting they can ‘put on a front' and be something they are not. However, the simple, plain nature of the two colours presents her as a two-dimensional character with little depth. In the same way, the character of Marjory is presented as being quite weak and obedient towards her husband. It is obvious to Marjory that her husband is guilty for the murders, but she does not say anything to the police, and she hides his slacks, which would have been crucial evidence, ‘I sneaked in and got a bin bag and fetched them inside. Marjory seems quite a passive wife, and accepts what her husband tells her, often without questioning him directly, ‘He took the van over to Rawdon last night. Said it was Rawdon anyway. ‘ The distrust here is evident, but as she is not presented as a particularly strong character, this distrust is not voiced, or acted upon. This may suggest generally that women are the weaker, more passive sex, and should be obedient towards their husbands, in the same way that Marjory is. Marjory's obsession with cleaning says a lot about the ‘role of women' in the home. She is portrayed as the hardworking housewife, which seems to be her main and most important role, ‘the police said not to touch anything but I wasn't having the place left upset like that so I set to and cleaned down†¦ ‘ This is also emphasised by the way Stuart considers the role of his wife. He says, ‘You're lucky I do it at all' when talking about washing his own clothes. Like in ‘The Miller's tale,' the female character is presented as the typical wife, However, Marjory is the stereotypical obedient wife. The physical description and physiognomy of the character of Alison is extensive, and Chaucer seems to be parodying poetic portraits of the subjects of courtly lovers. He uses similes to compare Alison to the domestic and everyday where the courtly poets would have chosen exotic and valuable comparisons. For example, she is repeatedly compared to animals, such as ‘Winsinge she was, as is a joly colt. ‘ These descriptions, although they sometimes express positive qualities, such as her liveliness, may also portray a negative image of the ‘yonge wyf. ‘ For example, it may be inferred here that she is quite immature. Alison's outward appearance is concentrated on, and as a reader we do not learn a lot about her personality and characteristics, suggesting that she has little more than her looks in her favour. For example, ‘as any wezele hir body gent and small. ‘ This portrays Alison as being slim bodied in appearance. Chaucer presents women as being an object of sexuality, and the tale may be predominantly for the amusement of a male audience. This compares to Marjory and Stuart in ‘The Outside Dog' as Marjory is used as a sexual ‘object' by her husband, seen in the tome and language used, ‘he wakes me up and he has another go. The tone here is quite dismissive, with no feeling involved, but Marjory also seems quite resentful of her husband, as she is treated like it is her duty as a wife to obey her husband. She does not refer to Stuart by name, and by repeatedly using the pronoun ‘he,' she shows him no recognition, intensifying her resentment of her husband, and the distant relationship the two characters have. Chaucer uses strong adjectives when presenting Alison as a sly lover, she is said to have a ‘likerous ye' portraying her as being provocative and sexy. She is also described as a ‘wench', which is a very uncomplimentary term for a woman. This contrasts to her appearance and wealth. Her willingness to commit adultery is seen in her encounter with Nicholas and at first her seeming unwillingness to engage in any such behaviour with Nicholas, ‘I will nat kisse thee, by my fey! ‘ However, within five lines of the tale, she has ‘changed her mind' and has been persuaded by Nicholas. This portrays her as having few morals or determination, and almost ‘teasing Nicholas. ‘ Overall, the character of Alison is not one in which a reader can sympathise with, as she is largely portrayed in a negative light. However, I feel that a reader is more likely to sympathise with the character of Marjory, as Bennett does not portray her as being a particularly ‘bad' or blameworthy character, and we may feel sorry for her because of the treatment she encounters by her husband. It also works in her favour that the text is written in the form of a monologue, therefore the reader is essentially encouraged to relate to the character, as she describes events from her own point of view. However, like with Alison, as a reader we do not really agree with her actions, and may feel that she should be more of an active, rather than passive character. The character of Absolon is given very feminine qualities by Chaucer. His description is very precise and extensive in detail, for example, ‘crul was his heer, and as the gold it shoon. ‘ His description is rather unusual for a man, and strictly contrasts to the strong, manly portrait of the Miller. Absolon's character is largely mocked and treated as a figure of fun due to these effeminate qualities that he possesses. This again portrays femininity in a bad light, diminishing the importance and status of women in society, particularly in the period in which Chaucer wrote the tales. The fact that the dog in Bennett's monologue is female may also portray women in a negative manner. Dogs are typically viewed as being obedient towards their ‘masters. ‘ This suggests that the master-servant relationship should be extended to the husband and wife, as Marjory is in competition with Tina for her husband's recognition, ‘That dog's not inside is she? ‘ The victims in this monologue are also women, which again presents women as being ‘helpless victims' and open to abuse from men. Again, the underlying theme of the passive nature of women is explored, as Stuart takes advantage of this.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Natural child birth VS. Medicated child birth Essay

Abstract: Natural childbirth and medicated birth are the two options practiced all around the world by the gynecologists, these days. However there are some issues related to both the birth process. In this paper we will discuss the pros and cons of both the natural child birth and the medicated child birth. Introduction Natural childbirth: it is a natural process with minimum medical intervention, specifically the use of pain relives medications and surgical interventions (Vernon, D (2005) Medicated child birth: in this type of birth, doctor make use of pain killers and other instruments like episiotomies, forceps and ventouse deliveries and caesarean sections during the delivery process. Every woman during her delivery undergoes pain which is a normal physiological reaction. In a normal birth, pain makes the women to react against the pain by tensing and fighting it. Majority of women around the world prefers natural child births however in some cases the mother prefers to be medicated thus reliving pain. Birth pain is sudden and intense. However, with every contraction the pain gradually fades away resulting in birth of a child. (Sakala, C. , M. Corry, and H. Goer. (2004) So for a mother there are both the options available either to select natural birth or a medicated child birth. Natural child birth is a natural process and there is now side effect except the mother undergoes sever pain. However in case of medicated child birth is artificial process therefore it does have some side effects despite it’s practiced very frequently all around the world Here are some of the pros and cons of both natural and the medicated child birth: Benefits of Natural Childbirth Natural child birth is completely without any medication. Remember that medicine is a medicine and, and even the most secure medicines also have some side effects Mothers that go through natural child birth is able to move freely throughout labor and after as the new researches reveals that medicated birth makes it difficult to move during and after the birth. ( Anderson, G. , et al. (2000) In natural childbirth women feel their body’s reflex, there how they can respond better by pushing faster, as the medication does affect the reflexes thus prolonging the pushing time. (World Health Organization Department of Reproductive Health and Research. (1999) Unmediated birth is natural process and the pain during the birth is also natural that guides the mother to seek specific positions that might help the child to move easily to get into right position of delivery. In majority of cases Mothers has fast recovery after a natural childbirth since they can move freely and easily. Generally they eat immediately and their appetite is normal. In natural child birth Endorphins is secreted within placenta and umbilical cord of the mother. That secretion helps the baby to deliver easily and get adjusted to new environment comfortably. (Lieberman, E. and C. O’Donoghue (2002) Naturally delivered babies are better responsive and show more interest in pre-breastfeeding behaviors such as sucking and massaging the mother’s breasts, as well as the proper length of time they spend nursing during the first one and a half hour. Natural birth also increases the possibility of a healthier and fast recovery because of better hormonal balance. (Righard, L. and M. Alade. (1990). This is because a woman who has given birth with minimal intercession does not need to recover from major abdominal surgery, instrumental delivery, and cut of the perineum, any damage from IV lines, or severe stomach pain, headache backache caused by the use of medication. Natural childbirth increases the natural delivery physiology and laboring progress of healthy, well- feed women and increases interventions in the normal course of natural childbirth. Benefits of Medicated Birth Medicated Birth has a lot of benefits and is been adapted by the mothers all over the world. Some of the benefits are as follows: Women that experience a very long labor pain can benefit from using pain medication to get some relief prior to pushing stage. (Simkin, P. (1992) if the woman is finding the pain unbearable, it will definitely affect the delivery process, pain medication would definitely act as an aiding factor so that her body might not fight against the labor. (E. Jones, Pregnancy, Contraception, and Family Planning Services in Industrialized Countries (1989) similarly if the woman is experiencing some sort of fear, medication would help her by reliving her from severe pain and anxiety. However on the other hand it does have side effects depending upon person to person. Sometimes it is found that Medication has caused the baby sleepy as the anesthesia can penetrate through the placenta. (Ransjo-Arvidson A. B. , Matthiesen. (2001) Moreover pain guides the mother to adjust her position through which the child can adjust within if the child is posterior. However in case of medication the mother can not feel the pain to adjust herself thus may case certain complications in some cases. (Uvnas-Moberg, K. (1998) Conclusion Mothers have the ability to give birth naturally. Despite the women faces the pain but the pain goes away gradually. It is a fast process and has no side effects. The baby is normal and responsive. Pain medication is a great resource in very difficult and prolonged labors when the mother loses her patience to deliver the baby. In such cases epidural is very much effective. Anaesthetics may increase the likelihood of complications ( Knapp, L. (1996) We can find variety of pain killers out there in the market. If the right medicine is used I can help the delivery. Most pain killers do not take pain completely away. It makes pain bearable for the mother thus can concentrate on the birth. However in medicated birth mother always need continuous assistance all through the process.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Offer Things in English as a Second Language

How to Offer Things in English as a Second Language Offering things in English is essential whenever you want to be polite, have guests at your home, or even organize a work event. The phrases below cover both how to offer various items to your guests, as well as how to accept offers graciously. Learn to use these phrases so that you can offer and accept things graciously and in a socially appropriate manner. Offering Phrases Its common to use phrases such as would you like and modal forms such as Can I or May I  to offer something. Here are some of the most important phrases used to offer something: Can I get you some...?Would you like some...?May I offer you some...?Would you like me to get you some...? Some mini-dialogues containing these asking phrases might be: Bob: Can I get you something to drink?Mary: Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.Jack: May I offer you some tea?Doug: Thank you.Alex: Would you like some lemonade?Susan: That would be nice. Thanks for offering. Always use some words when offering someone something. Informal Use these phrases when offering something in an everyday situation: How about some...?What about some...?What do you say about some...?Are you up for some...? Mini-dialogues  containing offering phrases in informal situations would be: Dan: What about something to drink?Helga: Sure, do you have any scotch?Judy: Are you up for some dinner?Zina: Hey, thanks. Whats on the menu?Keith: What do you say about going bowling?Bob:  That sounds like a good idea! Accepting Offers Accepting offers is just as important, or even more important, than offering things. Make sure to thank your host. If you dont want to accept an offer, politely refuse. Offering an excuse is also a good idea in order not to offend your host. The following phrases are commonly used when accepting offers: Thank you.Id love to.Id love some.That would be nice.Thank you. Id like... Some examples of accepting phrases include: Frank: May I get you something to drink?Kevin: Thank you. Id like a cup of coffee.Linda: Would you like me to get you some food?Evan: That would be nice. Thank you.Homer: May I offer you something to drink?Bart: Thank you. Id like a soda. Politely Refusing Offers Sometimes its necessary to politely refuse an offer even if its a kind one. In such cases, use these phrases to politely refuse offers. Provide a reason why you want to refuse an offer rather than just saying no.   Thank you, but...Thats very kind. Unfortunately, I...Id like to, but... Examples of using polite refusals in dialogue include: Jane: Would you like some cookies?David: Thank you, but Im on a diet.Allison: How about a cup of tea?Pat: Id like to have a cup of tea. Unfortunately, Im late for a meeting. Can I take a rain check?Avram: How about some wine?Tom: No thank you. Im watching my weight.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Determine Concentration and Molarity

Determine Concentration and Molarity Molarity is one of the most common and important units of concentration used in chemistry. This concentration problem illustrates how to find the molarity of a solution if you know how much solute and solvent are present. Concentration and Molarity Example Problem Determine the molarity of a solution made by dissolving 20.0 g of NaOH in sufficient water to yield a 482 cm3 solution. How to Solve the Problem Molarity is an expression of the moles of solute (NaOH) per liter of solution (water). To work this problem, you need to be able to calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and be able to convert cubic centimeters of a solution into liters. You can refer to the Worked Unit Conversions if you need more help. Step 1 Calculate the number of moles of NaOH that are in 20.0 grams. Look up the atomic masses for the elements in NaOH from the Periodic Table. The atomic masses are found to be: Na is 23.0H is 1.0O is 16.0 Plugging these values: 1 mol NaOH weighs 23.0 g 16.0 g 1.0 g 40.0 g So the number of moles in 20.0 g is: moles NaOH 20.0 g Ãâ€" 1 mol/40.0 g 0.500 mol Step 2 Determine the volume of solution in liters. 1 liter is 1000 cm3, so the volume of solution is: liters solution 482 cm3 Ãâ€" 1 liter/1000 cm3 0.482 liter Step 3 Determine the molarity of the solution. Simply divide the number of moles by the volume of solution to get the molarity: molarity 0.500 mol / 0.482 litermolarity 1.04 mol/liter 1.04 M Answer The molarity of a solution made by dissolving 20.0 g of NaOH to make a 482 cm3 solution is 1.04 M Tips for Solving Concentration Problems In this example, the solute (sodium hydroxide) and solvent (water) were identified. You may not always be told which chemical is the solute and which is the solvent. Often the solute is a solid, while the solvent is a liquid. Its also possible to make up solutions of gases and solids or of liquid solutes in liquid solvents.  In general, the solute is the chemical (or chemicals) present in smaller amounts. The solvent makes up most of the solution.  Molarity is concerned with the total volume of the solution, not the volume of the solvent. You can approximate molarity by dividing moles of solute by volume of solvent that is added, but this isnt correct and can lead to significant error when a large amount of solute is present.Significant figures can also come into play when reporting concentration in molarity. There will be a degree of uncertainty in the mass measurement of the solute. An analytical balance will yield a more precise measurement than weighing on a kitchen scale, fo r example. The glassware used to measure the volume of solvent also matters. A volumetric flask or graduated cylinder will yield a more precise value than a beaker, for example. Theres also an error in reading the volume, relating to the meniscus of the liquid. The number of significant digits in your molarity is only as many as that in your least precise measurement.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

MSc Managing & Accounting for Financial Resources - Healthy Hearts Essay

MSc Managing & Accounting for Financial Resources - Healthy Hearts Cardiff case description - Essay Example The operating profit or the gross profit provides indication about the actual profit acquired by the business operation. (Berman, Knight, Case, 2006, p.66). The operating profits or the business profits have to be generated from the current assets or the operating assets. The main weakness that the new center has shown that it has somehow failed to utilize its currents assets to gain more operating profit.( â€Å"Year Book Australia, 2001 ) That is the reason why the operating profit as a percentage of sales is also very less. Also the operating profit of the Cardiff unit may be lesser as a percentage due to the fact that this unit has just started its business operation and is not in a position to utilize its asset base to the optimal level. The next key parameter considered is the operating profit by sales ratio. The difference comes to be 2.42. Here the result of the Cardiff unit is slightly less than the entire most profitable club. That means the center is not able to generate adequate amount of business profit or operating profit. It may be due to several reasons but the main factor that can be identified is that this center in particular operates with higher expenses than that of the average centers. Efficiency Ratio: After this ratio, the following few parameters are almost similar when compared to the overall most profitable club performance of Healthy Hearts. The difference between the sales to operating asset ratio is just 0.46, which indicates relatively better sales turnover ratio for the Cardiff unit. But next ratio shows some negativity as well. The expense to sales ratio is more in the case of Cardiff unit by 2.42. This means the unit makes more expenditure to generate the desired amount of sales figure. This is not always an encouraging sign for any business. Huge gap is also being noticed when sales as a percentage of the current assets are compared. The difference comes to around 8.70.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example A computerized management system is the best option. Any WMS must ensure an effective and efficient management of inventory. A WMS aims at controlling and storing of inventory in the warehouse. This process is closely linked to transactions such as putting away and picking, receiving and shipping. WMS also help in directing and optimizing inventory put-away based on real-time information concerning status of bin utilization. WMS usually make use of data capture facilities such as wireless LANs, RFID, mobile computers, and barcode readers. Data collection is followed by either batch synchronization or wireless transmission to a central database. This can then give useful reports about the status of inventory in the warehouse. WMSs aim at providing automated procedures of handling receipt and returns of inventory, modelling and managing logical representation of the warehouse, managing inventory within the store and enabling a seamless link to order processing. WMSs help in controlling the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse. They data-track inventory during production and interpret between existing ERP and WMS systems Warehouse management should be incorporated with the rest of the business to help in streamlining operations, reducing costs and speeding up order fulfilment. Setting up of a criterion to help in guiding the most efficient put away locations, bin quantities, and pick patterns is very vital in warehouse management. Any warehouse management practice should help in reducing bottlenecks and multiple handling. Materials handling information should be input directly from the warehouse to assist in reducing inefficiency and data handling redundancy (Frazelle, 2001). Pick and pack process in a warehouse should be automatically updated. This ensures accurate and timely fulfilling of orders and quickly responding to status inquiry. The warehouse management should decide on the sophistication level of their management system confidently. It should adapt to new volumes, technologies, products and processes with ease. It should also be at par with the growth of the business (Warman, 1971). Integration of other business operations such as manufacturing and order processing with warehouse helps in optimizing the layout, handling multiple orders, managing replenishment, and proper utilizing of space. The warehouse manager should incorporate various pick prioritization methods that include FIFO, FEFO and LILO into directed movement, pick and put away decisions (Frazelle, 2001). All credit or debit inventory records should be kept separate from sales, source documents and purchase receipts. This will help in maintaining accurate inventory records one when one needs to access records for display and testing among other operational needs. The warehouse manager should keep a visible inventory to help in increasing the efficiency and accuracy of management (Jenkins, 1968). To help in item tracking serial numbers should be used to help in determining where the products were bought, processed and sold. This will help in reducing waste and limiting carriage of expired stock via FEFO handling. Warehouse management